Thursday, January 04, 2007

The curse of joshie's BBQ.

6 days late…
This was what happened before the bbq:

Joshie, andrew and rao really proved what great friends they are. As the saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed. They prove to be as useful as my “drive safe lizard”. When the dumbbutt reversed into my car the three stooges just sat in the car. Didn’t even bother to come out. Maybe they were still in shock, seeing their very life flash before them. I’m being too harsh, Andrew did do something he did help me move my car, well the other 2 stooges did help me keep my back seats warm, it was raining so it’s very important to keep the seats warm. Thanks guys. Buttholes.

This was what happened after the bbq:

Woke up in the morning to find this, well it was more like the afternoon. Two accidents in a span of 24 hours.

And barely a week ago, my poor jed1 was covered in flour, egg and cake by the age revealer and the two semi-naked guys.

In between all that drama was a pretty decent BBQ. Company was fantastic. The food was erm,did i mention the the company was great. Haha. Food was fine. Dunno why but I enjoyed starting up the fire the most....The fire wouldn't even have started if it wasnt for sook ping and su lin. Girl scouts. Usually I would just go there and eat. haha.

Joshie, I’m mature, cant take anything away from that.

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