Saturday, January 06, 2007

About Money

With Money you could buy a house but not a home,
With Money you could buy a clock but not time,
With Money you could buy a bed but not sleep,
With Money you could buy sex but not love,
With Money you could buy a book but not knowledge,
With Money you could buy a position but not respect,
With Money you could see a doctor but not good health,
With Money you could buy blood but not life.

BUT WITHOUT MONEY, it's much worse isn't it ?? You don't have a house, home, clock, bed, sleep, sex, love, book, knowledge, position, respect, doctor, good health and maybe lose your life.

Whoever says Money cannot buy happiness definitely doesn't go shopping, never had a puppy, never been on a holiday and above all never celebrated friends' birthdays. =)


swingin' out.


Rao said...

macam ada double meaning saje...

navinated said...

hehe..sure is very important.even for monkeys =)