Sunday, February 15, 2009

This Is Me, Drunk

Due to Saggy's allegations of me, I just have to write this.

A few things I would do when I'm drunk; or so I've been told

1. Curse and swear a lot and I mean A LOT. I think every alternate word is usually f*ck. Saggy you might have heard me cursing the other night when LaLa was on the phone with you, but then again I swear even when I'm not pissed drunk. Plus, I wasn't shouting to LaLa that I'm gonna kill him.

2. Count numbers. Don't ask me why. But it goes something like this, "1!!!! 2!!!! 3!!!! 4!!!!".

That's all I can recall for now; but anyways Saggy I was not pissed drunk the other night, LaLa was exaggerating.

P/S: Real men drive stick

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