Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I honestly haven't felt how the economic crises has affected me in anyway.. Maybe it's because I'm still living off my parents.. yeah sad i know..Till now the only way i can tell that recession is actually happening is through the papers and me not getting an internship (but the internship thing is already settled, thanks josh i love you) so yeah through the papers only, until it hit close to home. The transvestites that roams the streets at night............. now sells nasi lemak in the morning to supplement their income..That's gotta tell you something about our economy right? So people recession is here, so stop buying so many pairs of shoes. Anyone want nasi lemak for breakfast tmr? I haven't tried it yet though, both their nasi lemak and their services in case your wondering. And i don't plan to, in case your wondering.

P.S. How you think i got my driving license? Anyone can drive a stick, nothing to shout about, unless your a chauvinist and go around shouting "I drive a stick, i'm a real man". How does driving a stick make you a real man? Shows that your good with shafts? Cant get any more man than that.. *if this sounds defensive, it's not in case your wondering, i don't mind driving an automatic, it's the best thing that happened to mankind especially in KL.


brian said...

Perhaps its because factory workers are bearing the brunt of it now, seeing that it's the export sector that's hit the hardest now, which many of us won't feel yet, unlike 1997 when it was pretty much the whole economy.

A little patience, things will take time to filter through

Sue said...

I drive stick and I dont think im that bad with shaft-handling.

Am I manly and chauvnistic too?

(not many ppl can drive stick, really)

and wheres the chatterbox??