Sunday, August 06, 2006

Squirrel Monkey

I was looking through Google Images for an image of our 'mascot' (tupai). One of the search results showed 'Squirrel Monkey'. (Google is so great, they help you find things most related to you.) Of coz i checked it out, and it does exist! Looks somethin like this:

Did a review about them and compared us. Sadly, we're not very much alike.

Squirrel Monkeys are often described as one of the most peaceful primates. These little creatures are an attractive sight of Costa Rica. Their orange fur and funny faces are a great amusement for those who happen to see them.

Squirrel Monkey :
  1. Mamalia.
  2. Has little to no hair on the area around the lips and nostrils.
  3. Has short brightly coloured fur.
  4. Male Squirrel Monkeys are usually larger than females.
  5. An adult Squirrel Monkey weighs about 500-1000 grams.
  6. Feeds on insects and fruits.
  7. Squirrel Monkeys inhabit forests of South America.
  8. Live near water.
  9. Active in day and night.
  10. Squirrel monkeys are noisy and constantly on the move through the tree-tops.
  11. They spend less than 1% of their time on the ground.
  12. Average life span up to 21 years.

Compare all points to all of us:

  1. Mamalia.
  2. We've got a whole rainforest on the area around lips and nostrils.
  3. Naturally, we have beautiful black hair.
  4. One out of six looks mal-nourished. =P
  5. We weigh 50 times heavier.
  6. Burger lovers.
  7. Only found in Malaysia.
  8. Live near classes.
  9. Need I compare?
  10. Half true.
  11. We probably do too, just that the other 99% is spent on bed and chairs.
  12. Choi!! We'll definitely live another 80 years.... =P



navinated said...

who is mal-ourished eh??
waitla...i'll treat u to life time of roti bom!!!!

Rao said...

hidup lah untuk makan...jgn makan untuk hidup...(this pepatah oni suits 2 monkimn her roti boom)errr....for navin oso of course...heheheh