Saturday, September 27, 2008


after 3 days of being almost sleepless which somehow didn't feel too bad, reality hits *sorry for my language kids*...but seriously wtf? is it just me? the emoness just sinks in...yeah the emoness not the tiredness...there must be something wrong with me...with much need of sleep all of a sudden this wave of emoness hits me...and so here i am writing c*ck while i should be sleeping nicely on my bed..dreaming of some paradise with chicks all over unlike the God forsaken uniten...sighs dreams dreams...if only they came true...i think im mixing around tooo many emo ppl...when i was young i was never this emo...saggy im sure you get the hint...=p...

after much research and studies on how to solve this emoness problem, one question still remains, "are chicks getting extinct?"..or wait maybe its "brain drain" but in a different kind of sense where about 90% of the chicks aren't in malaysia anymore? they seem to be flying off here and there...ironically, numbers somehow show that there are supposedly more girls than guys in can this be? i think some *ss wanted to make malaysia sound like a better place...

so anyways, back to where i am sitting here all emo while chatting with saggy trying to solve this emoness problem but it ain't working...oh yeah i was telling saggy my theory about my botakness...ever since i went botak i seem to be single...haha...what do y'all think?

and one more thing anybody willing to help me solve my emoness problem of being alone...haha...btw for those of y'all who didn't know this is for chicks to answer...although im studying in uniten but i ain't a saiful decendent...and now time to hit the haysack...

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