Saturday, April 25, 2009


This morning a friend and I went over to the DKSH warehouse sale praying that it wasn't jam packed like the Adidas warehouse sale. They had a good concept where it seemed like it was "Hari Keluarga" with all the tents put up. My aim was to get a watch which I did; but anyways, this is not what I intend to write about today.

MALAYSIANS. We can be so "kiasu". There was this Vico van there giving out free drinks; like the Milo or Nescafe vans. You and I both know how small of a cup they give. You should have seen the amount of people that was queuing up just to take a few cups of free Vico. If it were some sports day where everybody's thirsty and can't seem to find some other drink, I would have accepted the queue. The queue was longer than any stall selling things (well, there wasn't a queue to buy stuff as we MALAYSIANS don't like queuing up; we just push our way in and get what we want). And in this queue, it wasn't like it was majority kids, there were aunties; not too sure bout uncles (uncles like my father tend to not go for this kinda things). Is the economy that bad that everybody is so desperate for a pathetic cup of Vico?

One more thing about Malaysians. If you don't intend to buy anything from a certain place, don't just stand there to see what is going on just because there is a bloody crowd there. If you're curious fine; but just have a look and then get the hell out of there man. Don't just stand there for like 10 - 15 minutes just looking and then only walk away.

Somehow we think Singaporeans are "kiasu"; people look around you.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

i think i have it worst, nick

first week of it is over. this was what i did for the past week

Monday: read a page 200++ (i dunno exactly how many pages cause i didnt bother finishing it) on pneumatics, told the stupid manager i finished it. he was surprised, i told him i was just reading through only since i wasnt required to memorised it. he believed me.

Tuesday: stupid manager ask to write a manual on pneumatic training kit, complete with theory, questions and solutions. Found an online workbook, thought that i could just copy and paste. Till he ask me to modify the questions, i told him i didn't know exactly how the system works, then he told me go read the book. and google talk

Wednesday: was ask by the stupid manager to format company laptop which took all morning and half the afternoon, was trying to modify the questions. google talk. got bored in the afternoon went downstairs to the factory and to help install a packaging machine.

Thursday: was asked by the stupid manager to fix the copier machine. applied my engineering knowledge and miracoulously fixed it. it was broken down for more than a week. everyone knows the stupid manager broke it, even the office lady said it was him to which he replied like a whining little bitch "bukan saya". Double sided tape can do wonders.. Later i was given a "project" by the stupid manager, he asked me to go test the auto tray stacker machine. He showed me the machine and talked me through it. then i asked how do u turn it on, to which he told me he had no idea. the client wanted to us to make two new fittings for 2 different tray sizes. so had to adjust the rail guards to fit the new trays. client was coming in tmr.

Friday: Staring at the manual. the stupid manager tapped on the shoulder to tell me that my client was here. i was like was wtf, that not my client just because i do ur shit work doesnt mean that he's my client. u see the stupid manager loves to put the blame on other ppl when things go wrong so by making the person my client i was suddenly responsible for anything wrong with the machine. and as always something was wrong, the stupid manager designed a two feed fitting instead of one. standing there i was saying to myself oh fuck. i'm left once again to do his shit work. the fitting had to be re modified. long story short it was a fucking mess. asked the Myanmar do one thing he go do another. one of the fittings had to be done 3 times cause the myanmar messed it up. btw, we have 2 myanmars panjang and pendek the other 2 ran away. i had panjang today. in the end i asked a technician to help me with all the grinding, drilling and wielding. what should have been an 2 hour job took the whole day. come to think of it we have 3 myanmars in the factory, one sits in the office and calls himself the project manager.

we all call him something else..

i'm very grateful to have the colleagues that i have, otherwise i would give u the myanmars email address so that anymore of u can do me a huge favor and email this to him.

and i'm so under dressed no seed work shirts only a stupid collared t-shirt and safety boots. the t-shirt not my size also, xxl, how to show off my toned body.

seems like all i do is complain, but i kinda enjoy doing the work for some weird sadistic reason.

and this just the first week. cant wait for the next 11 weeks. yipee.

everybody, how was ur week?

jian xiong.

p.s. just because i'm not always there doenst mean i dont love you guys. i cant always be there to meet up due to some very unforeseen circumstances, it's all my fault. right chocolate bear? ask cb (chocolate bear for short) to be lenient a bit then things might just work out.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAV, U BIG PUSSY. pics better be gone and the memory card formatted. i'll have myanmars after u.


Work, Work, Work

For those of you who know us, you would know that we started our industrial training this week. So this is my first week of work.

Office job, stressful job by ~FriXedAirwave on deviantART

Day 1 - Read up on some stuff and suddenly my boss tells me that after I read up brief them about the thing; by them I mean my colleagues and some other people from another department. I was like wtf?

Day 2 - I get an e-mail confirming the briefing time and place. Seriously, wtf? He seriously expects me, a trainee to give a briefing??? By the way, the briefing is to be held on Monday at 9 am.

Day 3 - After lunch I went to the client's place, NTT MSC in Cyberjaya. They host servers. Darn their server room looks cool. Looks like those hacker movies where they go into the server rooms, plug in their lap top to one of the servers and you know what happens next.

Day 4 - Client's place the whole day. Hard work man.

Day 5 - Was in the office rushing preparation for the briefing on Monday. Talked to my boss about the briefing. The way he mentioned it, it seems to be like darn serious. After lunch client's place did some testing. At bout 5.45 while doing our testing client came. The client was so darn kecoh. This and that, this and that. Then, I almost had to work tomorrow (Saturday). Thank God the contractors not working so can't go to the client's place and Monday I have to go back to the client's place so the briefing is postponed. =D.

Well that was my 1st week of work. But all in all I think it feels much better than last year when I worked in Technip. Don't know if it is just less boring or I sort of knew what to expect already. Hope everybody else are coping well with their work.

Moment of emoness: on Monday I was thinking, "Shit, one more year of study, then grad, then it's like this for the rest of the time until retirement. This is not good"

But then again, to end our 1st week of work those of us who were in this part of the world met up for a couple of beers. I'd say the week wasn't too bad after all. Lets pray it all goes well for another 11 weeks.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

welcome to my life........

...well for the first 3:10 mins of the show anyway, everyday for the past 4 years.

we're starting our internship next week, hopefully it'll be like the next 9.02 of the show. but so far the only guy who i think has a chance of actually achieving this is ROGER.. haha. All the best clubber.. All the best to everyone, try not to lose a limb or something..

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Dont be part of the statistics

These videos are meant to scare the shit of out you.. Remind you guys and gals to be extra careful and be extra vigilant. As you can see, the crimes are almost always committed by the chans on motorcycles. So be extra careful of your surroundings, look out for motorcycles. Especially ladies with your handbags. Or when your talking on the phone, they'll snatch anything and everything. So they can fucking have money to sniff glue.. This is what our society has become.
