Monday, March 17, 2008

in boredom and out of sanity...

as usual i am bored...about the out of sanity part...well i spent an hour and a half solving one mechanics of materials hour and a half!!! just for one question...stupid assignment...the debating about how it should be and the long hours spent doing it (okay maybe not long hours...but it was long considering it was only one question) made me lose my sanity...

so anyways...due to "mr/mrs help" over in the chatterbox...i wondered how he/she fond our blog...and i google-ed uniten...and guess what...our blog is on the 7th page of the search results (if you don't believe me go google for yourself to see)...hehehe...i'd say we're doing quite well...hehe....

one more thing i found while google-ing uniten was this website...
UNITEN is lovers paradise???? maybe "mr. lim lao peh" forgot to add "for gays" to finish that sentence...

My thoughts on that post:

1. romantic d'tasik?? night view of the lake?? --> all you'll get is to see the big mosque next to the lake...i don't think that sight is a very romantic one...

2. water along coe to admin --> most of the time the water literally looks like crap...the only time it is clean is within a time period of one week after they've cleaned it...

3. i didn't know bn aquarium got"mr. lim lao peh" sure is pretty free to notice that...

4. bm gents toilet has flowers??? i never knew that either...hrmz...tomorrow must got check...go "pau" and give some chick...oh wait...more like give some other guy...hehe...

5. coe food --> sucky food...prices getting higher...

okay maybe i'm exaggerating...somebody correct me please...
must ask mr. han han if uniten is a good place to pak toh...

p/s: to mr/mrs help...uniten might not be as bad as it might be better, but at the same time it might be worse...=p...


Anonymous said...
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Sue said...

This spam is everywhere -_-"