But 1 thing for sure is that by going there as young and strong(not to forget crazy) students, we'll save a hell lot of dough as compared to going there in let's say 20 years time. That time inflation, the rise of the euro currency compared to the ringgit that doesn't seem to end might justify this plan.
Imagine how your kids will hate you forever if you booked some backpackers hostel to stay there.
And imagine this, how much fun you will get when you stay in some crammed room with 9 other young(and possibly horny) girls. You can't put a price tag on that man.
And imagine how beautiful the experience there would be.
We could be enjoying this view and get on 1 of the most recognizable structures in the world
We could be drinking beer made from the land that sells it cheaper than water(not to mention taste better too)
Who can forget the world famous grand canal of Venice
Enjoying the err.....windmill in Holland.
Wait.....screw the windmill. There's only 1 place all of us guys(actually I bet the girls too) wanna go right?
Why you say? Because
Now doesn't that make you eager to head to Europe right away?
Furthermore my bro told me that virtually everywhere in Europe there are special discounts for students under the age of 25 if I remember correctly. This applies to train tickets which would be like 200 euros and we can travel to 4 countries for unlimited amount of times.
Lemme see, if someone's 23 right now and the earliest we would graduate is April 2010. That makes that certain someone to be almost 26 years old!!!!
Guess that someone will be paying extra for certain things then =P